Luna Portnoi

what is your name?

LuNa / (moon)

how would you describe what you do?

I express myself out, trying to do it without limits.

what are you currently working on?

I´m painting walls and some different stuff (objects, canvas, illustration, etc.)

what has had the greatest influence on your work?

The universe, feeling it. Nature in all its beauty.

what is the greatest misconception about you or your work?

People tend to think I’m really LuNa, and she´s only a (important) part of myself.

what do you see as the main strengths and weaknesses of the medium you work in?

I do my work by heart so I don´t expect something specific about it. The best thing is sharing it with lots of people and having all kind of feedback.

how has technology impacted upon the work you do?

I don´t use much technology on my work, it´s almost everything made by hand.

But, I can share my work with people all around the world thanks to technology and that´s awesome!!!

what’s the greatest piece of advice you would like to pass on?

follow your heart and always be true to yourself! Just smile and you will probably change the world (at least yours)

where can we find you online?

Lunaportnoimarcovsky on facebook.

what are you reading at the moment?


what are you listening to at the moment?

right now, Beirut! But I listen lots of music… lisandro aristimuño, Carla Morrison, devendra benhart, the beatles were with me today!

anything else we should know?

everyone in this planet might try some chocotorta, the best cake ever!

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