Russell Kaine

what is your name?
My name is Russell Kaine.

how would you describe what you do?
Most would tell you I’m a Radio Morning Show Host ( KPPV, Prescott, AZ ) & former journalist who writes as a hobby. However, jokingly I prefer to think of myself as a full-time author who blabs between songs as a hobby!

what are you currently working on?
The second in my series, “Third Eye Detective Agency ( shall we say a very adult or “R” rated version of a cross between X-Files, Harry Potter & The Exorcist?),” of which my current novel, Bumble Bee, is the first.

what has had the greatest influence on your work?
One of the biggest “what’s” would be the environment I find myself in. I am in Arizona and with its numerous ghost towns & rich Native American history, its almost impossible not to nudge the creative juices into flowing. The “who’s” would, of course, be the obvious greats … H.P. Lovecraft, Clive Barker, Stephen King, etc.

what is the greatest misconception about you or your work?
This one comment … “I could never do that.” Nonsense. Of course you can. As long as you’ve got the determination, anyone can write a novel. Getting it published is worlds easier now with self-publishing. If writing a novel is on your bucket list, go for it!

what do you see as the main strengths and weaknesses of the medium you work in?
The main strength, I think, would be the power of creativity. Like an unstoppable force of nature, creativity is one of those “most holy” aspects of humanity that opens the floodgates to monumental accomplishments that can change the world & last for generations. The main weakness is, unfortunately, with us. Advancements in technology and the tragic “dumbing down” of societies around the world seem to have led to a decline in the desire to read.

how has technology impacted upon the work you do?
As with the above question, there seems to be a general “dumbing down” and less of a desire to read. On the other hand, with entities such as Netflix, I see a lot of worthy written works being made into movies & series, which heavily promotes the author and allows for making a living there as well.

what’s the greatest piece of advice you would like to pass on?
When it comes to writing … never stop! Even if you never publish anything, studies show that regular writing keeps the brain active & helps stave off conditions such as Alzheimer’s. Like Tim Allen says in Galaxy Quest …”Never give up, never surrender!”

where can we find you online?
Right now, Bumble Bee is being sold & published exclusively through Amazon. Questions & comments?

what are you reading at the moment?
Nick Cutter’s “The Troop.” A delightfully grizzly tale of what happens when parasites invade a campsite.

what are you listening to at the moment?
Unfortunately, Coronavirus info. But usually classic rock, heavy metal, and new stuff like Greta Van Fleet.

anything else we should know?
Right now the e-book version of Bumble Bee is completely free on Amazon ( through this coming Thursday, April 2, 2020 ). Otherwise, look for future free or discounted promotions while the pandemic continues. I am currently working on the second novel of the “Third Eye Detective Agency” series, The Vineyard.

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