James “feildmouse” Hughey of Allofher Twitch

allofher twitch
allofher twitch

what is your name?

James “feildmouse” Hughey
how would you describe what you do?
i write, sing, and perform all instruments for the band Allofher Twitch
what are you currently working on?
i am currently promoting my newest EP “Allofher Twitch EP”, putting a band together for live shows and i’m about to start cutting demos for an upcoming album
what has had the greatest influence on your work?
confusion seems to drive me, confusion about the world around me and the way people are towards each other, i also have a great love of all music which i feel adds to the diversity of what i do
what is the greatest misconception about you or your work?
i’m constantly being compared to other musicians that i have never heard of or have taken absolutely no inspiration from
what do you see as the main strengths and weaknesses of the medium you work in?
music is something that everybody can enjoy in some degree, even if you only listen to the radio you still have that one song, or several songs, that has an emotional impact on you and your life.  the specific type of music i excel in, however, is electronic music.  a lot of people see electronic music as “fake” because it doesn’t have a lot of traditional instruments involved all of the time, especially with me being based in Nashville there isn’t a huge following for it.  i don’t think people realize that electronic music is a lot like classical music in that it takes composition and organization of multiple instruments…it’s just cheaper to do it on a computer than pay an orchestra!
how has technology impacted upon the work you do?
technology has made what i do possible, i’m honestly not skilled enough to be able to make a lot of enjoyable music on an acoustic guitar
what’s the greatest piece of advice you would like to pass on?
don’t let anything stop you, including your own fear.  if you think people are going to dislike or even criticize you for your art, then do it in spite of them.  “Those who dance are considered insane by those who can’t hear the music.” -George Carlin
where can we find you online?
i am all over the place, www.allofhertwitch.net, allofhertwitch.bandcamp.com, www.myspace.com/allofhertwitch, www.purevolume.com/allofhertwitch…and on facebook although i don’t know the specific link to that
what are you reading at the moment?
i’ve been kinda re-reading “Tour: Smart and break the band” by Martin Atkins in preparation for the upcoming live shows, i read a lot of comic books too though so i’ve been reading Peter David’s X-Factor, Green Lantern, and Star Wars: Legacy
what are you listening to at the moment?
“May You Live in Interesting Times” by Ideamen has been nonstop in my various music players, also “The Odyssey Chaoti-Pop Oddity” by Born Empty
anything else we should know?

my xbox live gamer name is Allofher Twitch so you can come play Gears of War or Smackdown 2010 with me! and i’ll be performing various live shows in Nashville and a few of the surrounding states in 2010 so keep an eye out!

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